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Introducting the Kognetiks Chatbot for WordPress Plugin

Kognetiks Chatbot – The Deep Dive Podcast – 2024 09 30

Welcome to our latest podcast episode, where we dive deep into the omnipresent world of artificial intelligence and its practical applications for everyday users.  Today, the hosts from NotebookLM explore how AI is not just a buzzword but a transformative tool that can elevate your website from a static page to a dynamic, smart platform.  They shine a spotlight on, an innovative company bridging the gap between complex AI concepts and accessible, user-friendly tools for WordPress users.  Join us as we unpack how the’ suite of plugins, especially the Chatbot powered by ChatGPT, can revolutionize your website and enhance user experience. 

Introducing the Kognetiks Chatbot – Podcast – 09-29-2024

Host-1: OK, so AI right, it’s everywhere you look these days. 

Host-2: It’s unavoidable every time I check the news it’s another thing. 

Host-1: And, you know some of it honestly sounds a little hyped up to me but like even so you can’t deny that AI is it’s here it’s a thing.  What I’m really curious about is how can we actually use this stuff?

Host-2: Right, to make our lives easier. 

Host-1: Exactly, like specifically how can we use it to make our websites you know not just a website but like a smart website, and that’s why I find this whole Kognetiks thing so interesting. 

Host-2: Yeah, Kognetiks is fascinating because they’re really trying to bridge this gap, you know, between this abstract idea of AI and giving people actual tools they can use. 

Host-1: For their website right. 

Host-2: Exactly and specifically for WordPress, which is huge so many people use that. 

Host-1: For sure.  I mean that’s what we use.  And, speaking of tools they’ve got a bunch of different plug-ins all design for different thing, different needs. 

Host-2: And they’re not just throwing a bunch of random stuff at the wall either, you can tell they’re really trying to create a whole cohesive suite of tools. 

Host-1: OK, so let’s talk about these tools.  These plug-ins, cause like the name Kognetiks itself is pretty cool. 

Host-2: Right!

Host-1: Cognition and kinetic all mashed together which makes sense when you think about it your website is like thinking and acting, and well, being kinetic. 

Host-2: Exactly, not just a static thing.  But yeah, let’s dive into these plug-ins cause they’re pretty interesting. 

Host-1: Yeah so, they’ve got Kognetiks Chatbot which I mean, the name is pretty self-explanatory. 

Host-2: Yeah, at first glance, you might think OK another chat, but what’s the big deal.  But the difference here the aha moment is that this one’s powered by ChatGPT. 

Host-1: Which for people who maybe haven’t been living under a rock for the past year. 

Host-2: Right!

Host-1: ChatGPT is a pretty big deal. 

Host-2: Huge what it means is instead of just having pre-programmed responses this chatbot can actually understand what a user is asking for. 

Host-1: So, it’s not just if this then that it can actually hold a real conversation. 

Host-2: Exactly.  It uses natural language processing, NLP as they call it, to actually understand the query and then here’s the kicker, it can actually pull information from your website content to give a relevant answer. 

Host-1: Ok, that’s so cool about AI.  That it’s not just some abstract idea, like, that is a tangible benefit that can really improve a user’s experience on a website. 

Host-2: Absolutely.  Imagine you’re a customer, you learned a website looking for something specific. 

Host-1: Instead of clicking through 1 million menus you can just … 

Host-2: …  ask, just type a question in plain English and boom, the chatbot understands, finds the answer and tells you exactly what you need to know. 

Host-1: Right.  It’s like having a 24/7 customer service rep who actually knows what they’re talking about.  But it’s not just about answering questions right there’s also Kognetiks Flow. 

Host-2: Right.  Now we’re getting into really interesting stuff.  So, with Flow it’s about more than just answering a question, it’s about guiding a user through their whole journey on the website. 

Host-1: So, instead of just reacting to what a user does … 

Host-2: …  it anticipates.  It’s like let’s see a customer comes back to your site, Flow can actually remember their preferences from before and you know, sort of guide them towards products or offers that would be relevant to them. 

Host-1: It’s like having a personal shopper for your website. 

Host-2: Exactly. 

Host-1: Ok, now that is next level stuff.  But there’s more.  I also saw they have this plug-in called Top Bar.  What’s that all about?

Host-2: Oh yeah, Top Bar, that’s a good one! OK, so imagine someone lands on your website and boom, right there at the top there’s this banner.  But, it’s not just any banner.  This one’s powered by AI. 

Host-1: OK

Host-2: So, it can do some pretty cool stuff like personalize the message based on the maybe the user’s browsing history. 

Host-1: I’ve seen websites that do that like with personalized recommendations and stuff. 

Host-2: Exactly.  Or it could be even more granular than that, like, maybe it pulls in their demographics from if they’re logged into something or even like the weather in their location. 

Host-1: Wait, the weather?

Host-2: Yeah, it’s about grabbing their attention making, it relevant to them right when they land on your site. 

Host-1: Ok but, that kind of stuff always seem really complicated to me like, didn’t you need some fancy marketing platform to do all that?

Host-2: You’d think so, right, but that’s what’s so great about Kognetiks.  They’re all about taking this advanced AI stuff and making it you know user-friendly accessible. 

Host-1: So even someone like me who’s not a tech wizard could potentially set up. 

Host-2: Exactly.  No need to be a coding guru or anything. 

Host-1: That’s impressive.  I was actually looking at their website earlier and I noticed they also offer consulting services. 

Host-2: Oh yeah. 

Host-1: So, it’s not just here’s the plug-in.  Good luck! They’ll actually work with you to figure out how to use it. 

Host-2: Exactly, because let’s face it, AI can be a little intimidating. 

Host-1: A little, it’s a lot.  That’s why we’re doing this deep dive. 

Host-2: Right.  So, they get that.  Not everyone has the time or the know how to become an AI expert overnight.  So, their consulting services are there to walk you through it. 

Host-1: It will help you figure out which plug-ins are right for your specific needs, help you set them up, all that jazz. 

Host-2: Precisely, but you know for those of us who like to get our hands dirty … 

Host-1: …  the tinkerers. 

Host-2: Exactly. 

Host-1: Yeah. 

Host-2: There’s plenty of evidence that these plug-ins are actually pretty user-friendly.  Like, there’s a testimonial on their website that I thought was really telling. 

Host-1: Oh yeah, what’s it say?

Host-2: It’s from this user who calls themselves wait for it, Beginner Ten. 

Host-1: Beginner Ten!  Well, that’s a good sign. 

Host-2: Right and they’re raving about how easy Kognetiks is to integrate, how it’s open source, and free to use, and they even mention the customer support being super responsive. 

Host-1: OK, free is always a plus.  But honestly even more important than that is knowing that it’s actually user-friendly and having good support to fall back on, that’s huge. 

Host-2: Absolutely.  And, here’s something else I noticed in their testimonial.  They talk about how Kognetiks is always evolving.  That they’re constantly updating it, making improvements based on user feedback. 

Host-1: So, it’s not just a set and forget it kind of thing. 

Host-2.  Not at all.  They’re actively listening to their users, which, considering how fast AI is moving… 

Host-1: …  you got to stay on top of things. 

Host-2: Exactly.  And speaking of staying on top of things, have you seen some of their recent blog post? They’re putting out some really interesting content. 

Host-1: Yeah, they’re definitely cranking it out.  Some of the titles really caught my eye.  Like there’s this one from September 14, 2024, that’s called “Kognetiks Chatbot for WordPress: Revolutionizing Site Support with AI-Powered Knowledge Navigation”. 

Host-2: Love that one.  It really gets to the heart of how AI can change the game for website support make it more efficient more personalized. 

Host-1: Totally.  And then there’s this other one, it’s from just a few days before that, September 11th and it’s called “Enhancing WordPress with Kognetiks Chatbot: Assistants, Knowledge Navigation, and Future Innovations”. 

Host-2: Future innovations, that’s the key phrase here.  It tells you they’re not just thinking about what AI can do today, they’re already looking ahead. 

Host-1: It’s really incredible to see how fast things are moving.  It’s also honestly kind of intimidating trying to keep up with all this AI stuff. 

Host-2: It’s like drinking from a firehose. 

Host-1: Exactly.  But hey, that’s why we’re doing these deep dives right?

Host-2: Absolutely to break it down make it digestible. 

Host-1: Exactly, to figure out what it means for, you know, the average person. 

Host-2: And I think the key takeaway here is that you don’t need to be some kind of AI whiz to use this stuff. 

Host-1: Right, you don’t need to go out and get a degree in machine learning. 

Host-2: Exactly.  With tools like Kognetiks that’s so exciting, they’re really trying to make AI accessible to everyone. 

Host-1: Ok, for those listeners out there who are like all right this Kognetiks thing sounds cool but what about my website? What would you say to them?

Host-2: First thing I’d say is, think about what your website’s biggest pain points are, you know, what are you struggling with?

Host-1: Right.  What’s keeping you up at night?

Host-2: Exactly.  Is it customer support?  Are you spending hours answering the same questions over and over?

Host-1: The worst. 

Host-2: Or, you want to create more personalized experience, but you’re not sure how to do that without you know hiring a whole team of people. 

Host-1: Yeah, I really feel that. 

Host-2: So really think about your goals and then see if there’s an AI tool whether it is Kognetiks or something else, that can help you achieve those goals. 

Host-1: So, it’s not just about AI is cool, so I should be using it.  It’s about being strategic. 

Host-2: Exactly.  AI is a tool, it’s not a magic bullet. 

Host-1: Right. 

Host-2: The great thing is with tools like Kognetiks, you know they’re open source, you’re free to try. 

Host-1: You have nothing to lose. 

Host-2: Exactly, you can experiment, you can tinker, you could see if it’s right for you without any huge financial investment. 

Host-1: I love that.  It’s like dipping your toes in the water before you jump in the deep end. 

Host-2: Exactly.  And, who knows you might be surprised at how easy it is to get started and how much of a difference a little AI can make. 

Host-1: All right, so I think it’s safe to say the AI is not going anywhere, if anything it’s going to become even more important for, you know, anyone who has a website, which is pretty much everyone these days. 

Host-2: For sure and like with any new technology especially one as powerful as AI it’s important to be thoughtful about how we use it. 

Host-1: Absolutely, there are definitely some ethical considerations there.  That’s a whole other deep dive, but for now we leave our listeners with this thought: What if your website could think like a human? What if it could learn and adapt and actually understand what your visitors want? What would that mean for your business, for your brand, for your online presence?

Host-2: That’s something to ponder it. 

Host-1: It is, and something tells me will be pondering it a lot more in years to come. 

Host-2: Definitely.  Until next time keep exploring… 

Host-1: …  and keep it smart!

As we’ve uncovered, integrating AI into your website isn’t a distant dream – it’s a tangible reality made easy by  The Kognetiks Chatbot for WordPress plugin empowers your site to interact with visitors intelligently, providing personalized assistance and boosting engagement.  Don’t let your website remain just another page on the internet.  Transform it into an interactive, smart platform that stands out.  Download the Kognetiks Chatbot for WordPress plugin today and experience the future of website interaction firsthand.  Your users will thank you, and your business will too.

This podcast was generated using NotebookLM, a new and experimental product from Google.

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About the Author

Stephen Howell

Stephen Howell is a multifaceted expert with a wealth of experience in technology, business management, and development. He is the innovative mind behind the cutting-edge AI powered Kognetiks Chatbot for WordPress plugin. Utilizing the robust capabilities of OpenAI’s API, this conversational chatbot can dramatically enhance your website’s user engagement. Visit Kognetiks Chatbot for WordPress to explore how to elevate your visitors’ experience, and stay connected with his latest advancements and offerings in the WordPress community.