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Getting Started with the Kognetiks Chatbot

This guide will help you set up and start using the Kognetiks Chatbot for WordPress plugin on your site.

1. Obtain an API Key

  • Sign up at OpenAI’s API Keys page to obtain your API key. This is necessary for accessing ChatGPT functionalities.

2. Install and Activate the Plugin

  • Upload the chatbot-chatgpt folder into the /wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress site.
  • Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu on your WordPress dashboard.

3. Configure Basic Settings

  • Navigate to Settings > API/Model in your WordPress dashboard.
  • Enter your OpenAI API key in the designated field.

4. Customize Appearance

  • You can customize the chatbot’s appearance and other parameters to suit your website’s theme and style needs.

5. Add the Chatbot to Your Site

Use the shortcode:


For a floating chatbot, use:

[chatbot_chatgpt style="floating"]

For an embedded chatbot, use:

[chatbot_chatgpt style="embedded"]

For site-wide coverage, add the chatbot to the footer using the floating styling.

6. Additional Configuration

  • Chat Settings: Select the desired model, such as GPT-4, and adjust settings like maximum tokens, temperature, and conversation context for optimal performance and user interaction.
  • Advanced API Settings: Ensure the API Base URL ( and timeout settings (default 240 seconds) are correctly configured if needed.

By following these steps, your website visitors can enjoy a seamless, AI-powered chat experience using the Kognetiks Chatbot for WordPress plugin powered by OpenAI’s ChatGPT API.