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Thought in Motion

The Power of Mindful Movement

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Revolutionizing AI Powered Chatbot for WordPress: Enhanced Mobile Experience and Token Usage Insights

Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been working on several updates to the AI Powered Chatbot for WordPress plugin.  This has included enhancement to the mobile experience, break/fix work on appearance customization, the addition of token counts per conversation to the conversation log, and basic reporting of token usage by visitors and logged in user.  […]

Revolutionizing Development with AI: The Journey of Creating the AI Powered Chatbot for WordPress Plugin

I started development of the AI Powered Chatbot for WordPress plugin using Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code (commonly referred to as VS Code).  It features support for intelligent code completion and embedded Git, two features that were important to me among others. Two VS Code extensions that have helped me with development are GitHub Copilot and GitHub […]

Evolving AI Powered Chatbot for WordPress: New Features and Future Plans

This weekend I started setting fresh development priorities for the AI Powered Chatbot for WordPress plugin.  Over the last few weeks as active installs continue to grow, I’ve received a lot of thoughtful feedback and requests. They’re all great ideas.  Some are more difficult to implement than others.  And several have been on the development priority […]

Elevating Interactivity: Enhanced File Upload Feature in AI Powered Chatbot for WordPress Plugin

I had a pleasant email this morning from a user who has installed the AI Powered Chatbot for WordPress plugin.  I’ve had several other email exchanges with them about how the chatbot might function.  And those conversations have guided my development in a couple of different areas. The email from this morning was about file uploading […]

Revolutionizing WordPress: Introducing File Uploads in the AI Powered Chatbot for WordPress Plugin

Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been working on enabling file upload using the AI Powered Chatbot for WordPress plugin I created.  Yesterday, my implementation finally worked. Hurray! Well, it essentially worked.  There were, however, several details to work out.  What to do with the intermediate file that was uploaded to the web server.  Then […]

Evolving Conversations: From HAL to ChatGPT and Beyond

The HAL 9000, fondly referred to as HAL was the fictional artificial intelligence (AI) character and main antagonist in Arthur C. Clarke’s “2001: A Space Odyssey”.  HAL, which stood for Heuristically Programmed Algorithmic Computer, was a sentient artificial general intelligence (AGI) computer.  HAL controlled the Discover One spacecraft and interacted with the ship’s crew. HAL […]

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