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Revolutionizing Development with AI: The Journey of Creating the AI Powered Chatbot for WordPress Plugin

I started development of the AI Powered Chatbot for WordPress plugin using Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code (commonly referred to as VS Code).  It features support for intelligent code completion and embedded Git, two features that were important to me among others. Two VS Code extensions that have helped me with development are GitHub Copilot and GitHub […]

Evolving AI Powered Chatbot for WordPress: New Features and Future Plans

This weekend I started setting fresh development priorities for the AI Powered Chatbot for WordPress plugin.  Over the last few weeks as active installs continue to grow, I’ve received a lot of thoughtful feedback and requests. They’re all great ideas.  Some are more difficult to implement than others.  And several have been on the development priority […]

Revolutionizing WordPress: Introducing File Uploads in the AI Powered Chatbot for WordPress Plugin

Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been working on enabling file upload using the AI Powered Chatbot for WordPress plugin I created.  Yesterday, my implementation finally worked. Hurray! Well, it essentially worked.  There were, however, several details to work out.  What to do with the intermediate file that was uploaded to the web server.  Then […]

From Google to ChatGPT: Navigating the Shift in Digital Information Paradigm

I rarely use Google search anymore.  I now almost exclusively use OpenAI’s ChatGPT or’s Copilot to answer most of my questions. Years ago, when using the Internet to answer questions, I used search engines like Excite, Yahoo, and the early versions of Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo.  There were also lesser-known search engines like Ask […]

Bridging Worlds: Enhancing WordPress with the AI Powered Chatbot for WordPress Plugin – A Developer’s Journey

This morning I had the opportunity to have an exchange Discord with a  user in Brazil.  The user was having difficulty after installation of the AI Powered Chatbot for WordPress plugin. Their first question was about formatting the text of the chatbot.  What was of the most help was they included a screenshot of the problem.  […]

Charting the Future: The Evolution of Chatbots for WordPress Platforms

I have spent the last couple of weeks thinking about the development roadmap for the AI Powered Chatbot for WordPress plugin.  Over the last ten years of my career in sales and customer service, I’ve managed several different live chat solutions.  My plugin is not live chat, it’s a chatbot.  What’s the difference between them? What […]

The Journey of AI Powered Chatbot for WordPress: From Launch to 700+ Installs

Today I learned that AI Powered Chatbot for WordPress has achieved 700-plus active installs.  It has been ten- and one-half months since version 1.0.0 was approved for inclusion in the WordPress Plugin Directory in late March of 2023. I’ve watched the number of active installs achieve 100-plus within 10 days of initial release on or about […]

AI Engagement: My Journey with AI Powered Chatbot for WordPress

Yesterday evening I was talking about a WordPress plugin I developed with a close friend.  I shared that the most amazing thing about this project has been that I’ve been talking to real people trying to do something real with something I built. That’s a WOW! They are using my plugin Chatbot ChatGPT for WordPress.  […]

Community-Driven Triumph: The Evolving Journey of Building and Enhancing the AI Powered Chatbot for WordPress Plugin

Ten months into building a WordPress plugin I continue to be amazed at the things that I have learned.  I’ve learned about WordPress, PHP, Java Script, and about plugin development.  I’ve also learned a lot about OpenAI and building a chatbot that utilizes the API and Assistants. However, in recent weeks I have interacted with […]

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