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Announcing Version 2.0.4 of the Kognetiks Chatbot for WordPress Plugin!

Discover the latest updates in version 2.0.4, including unique ID assignment and resolution of response issues I’m excited to announce the release of version 2.0.4 of the Kognetiks Chatbot for WordPress plugin!  This update addresses several key issues and introduces new features to enhance your chatbot experience. Unique ID Assignment In version 2.0.4, I’ve made […]

Kognetiks Chatbot for WordPress: Unveiling Enhanced Features in Version 2.0.3

The latest update to the Kognetiks Chatbot for WordPress plugin, Version 2.0.3, introduces a range of notable enhancements.  These improvements span various features, from an enhanced Knowledge Navigator to expanded options for users.  Most of these enhancements were inspired by feature requests and solutions to issues raised by you, my valued user community.  Your active […]

Unlocking the Latest Enhancements in Kognetiks Chatbot for WordPress Plugin 2.0.1

The latest improvements to the Kognetiks Chatbot for WordPress plugin continue to expand the chatbot’s capabilities.  You may have already learned about the latest models from OpenAI.  Both the gpt-4o and the gpt-4o-2024-05-13 can be selected as the default chat model.  Additional configuration options have been added to the global settings.  And some tuning parameters […]

Unlocking New Horizons: Version 1.9.9 Enhancements to Kognetiks Chatbot for WordPress

Development on the Kognetiks Chatbot for WordPress plugin continued this past week with enhancements that expand the chatbot’s capabilities.  These included work in the areas of improved enhanced response, thread retention periods, upgraded conversation history, downloading conversation transcripts, and several other minor updates.  These improvements, along with recent updates and those planned in the immediate […]

How to Integrate an OpenAI Assistant into Your Website with the Kognetiks Chatbot for WordPress Plugin

Introduction Integrating an OpenAI assistant into your WordPress website can enhance user interaction by providing automated, intelligent responses to inquiries, and more.  This short guide outlines how to create an OpenAI assistant and incorporate it into your site using the Kognetiks Chatbot for WordPress plugin. Step 1: Create Your OpenAI Assistant Start by Creating an […]

Revolutionizing Conversations: The Kognetiks Chatbot for WordPress Update

These past two weeks have been focused on several enhancements to the Kognetiks Chatbot for WordPress.  Two enhancements stand out over many lesser ones, most notably Prompted Initiation and response links and images. Prompted Initiation This functionality allows the chatbot to start a conversation based on a predefined prompt.  It’s like giving the chatbot a […]

Revolutionizing WordPress: Introducing File Uploads in the AI Powered Chatbot for WordPress Plugin

Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been working on enabling file upload using the AI Powered Chatbot for WordPress plugin I created.  Yesterday, my implementation finally worked. Hurray! Well, it essentially worked.  There were, however, several details to work out.  What to do with the intermediate file that was uploaded to the web server.  Then […]

Understanding Chatbots: Revolutionizing Digital Interactions

Introduction to Chatbots As digital technology advances, chatbots have become a ubiquitous presence online, serving as virtual conversationalists. They are software applications crafted to mimic human-like conversations through text or voice interactions, primarily on the internet. The goal is to streamline interactions between people and services, enhancing customer experience and providing efficient information access. What […]

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