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Kognetiks Chatbot for WordPress

Chatbot ChatGPT
Questions in … Answers Out … with an AI powered Chatbot for WordPress


Introducing Integration for an AI Powered Chatbot for WordPress

The Kognetiks Chatbot for WordPress introduces an innovative feature: the integration Assistants. You tailor these Assistants which are versions of GPT models designed to enhance website interactions and provide a more dynamic user experience. You can equip them with specialized knowledge and functionalities, allowing them to perform a variety of tasks such as answering FAQs, handling bookings, and offering personalized recommendations. With this feature, website owners can easily embed these Assistants into WordPress sites, using the Kognetiks Chatbot for WordPress plugin. This integration not only elevates customer service but also offers a unique, interactive experience that aligns with the website’s theme and content. The Assistants’ ability to adapt and learn from interactions ensures continuous improvement in performance, making them an invaluable assetfor businesses aiming to enhance their online presence and engagement.

Learn more about enabling Assistants at here and OpenAI’s Playground.

Introducing An Kognetiks Chatbot for WordPress – Elevate Your Site Visitor’s Experience with AI-Driven Personalized Support!

Welcome to the future of website interaction with the Kognetiks Chatbot for WordPress, your gateway to unparalleled visitor engagement powered by Large Language Models (LLMs) and Assistants like those from OpenAI.

🌐 Harnessing OpenAI’s Large Language Models for Enhanced Engagement
Dive into the world of advanced AI with OpenAI’s Large Language Models at the core of our Kognetiks Chatbot for WordPress. These models are trained to understand and respond to user queries in a natural, conversational manner. They’re not just chatbots; they’re intelligent conversational partners that can engage, inform, and assist your visitors in real time. Whether it’s providing detailed answers to complex queries or engaging in casual conversation, these models are equipped to elevate the user experience on your website.

🌟 Assistants: Tailored Conversational Experiences
Unlock the potential of personalized digital interaction. Use the Assistants you develop, trained with your specific knowledge and skills, are here to revolutionize your website. From handling FAQs to managing bookings and offering customized suggestions, these Assistants are seamlessly integrated into your WordPress site, promising a dynamic and engaging user experience.

🔀 Multiple Assistants, Multiple Roles
Why settle for one when you can have more? With our plugin, deploy multiple Assistants for varied roles. Imagine an Assistant dedicated to your blog and another for your e-commerce platform, each delivering a tailored experience to your visitors.

Version 1.7.3 Update Allows for virturally unlimited Assistants, allow you to deploy a unique assistant whereever you placed the short code. Simply pass the “asst_” ID to the short code as one of the parameters.

Discover more about these innovative features at and OpenAI’s Playground.

🔄 Choose Your Style: Embedded or Floating Chatbots
Flexibility is key. Display your Kognetiks Chatbot for WordPress as an embedded feature on pages or let it float across your site. With simple shortcodes, adapt the chatbot’s presence to match your website’s design and user needs.

🔍 Knowledge Navigator: Unearthing Your Content’s Essence
At the heart of our plugin lies the Knowledge Navigator. This powerful tool delves deep into your website, mapping its architecture and content, enabling the chatbot to deliver precise and contextually relevant responses. Enhanced by TF-IDF analysis, our Navigator ensures your content’s unique keywords shine through, making interactions more meaningful.

🗎 Conversation Logging
Conversation Logging in this plugin records and stores chat interactions between users and the chatbot, providing valuable insights for enhancing user experience and chatbot performance. Visit the privacy policy on the Settings Support tab for details on data handling.

🎭 Personalize with Custom Avatars
Add a creative touch with customizable avatars. Reflect your site’s personality through these visual companions, enhancing user engagement and adding a unique flair to your digital space.

📊 Direct Traffic with Customizable Buttons
Guide your visitors where you want them. Our customizable buttons can link directly to specific pages, forms, or contact information, facilitating smoother navigation and enhanced user engagement.

🤖 Why an AI powered chatbot for WordPress?
▪ Natural Conversations: Experience human-like interactions, thanks to Large Language Model APIs from companies like OpenAI.
▪ Always Available: Provide round-the-clock assistance in various domains, from healthcare to education.
▪ Seamless Integration: Effortlessly bring your WordPress site to life with our easy-to-use plugin.

✨ Supported OpenAI Models
▪ GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
▪ GPT-4 (gpt-4 models)
▪ GPT-4 Turbo (‘gpt-4-1106-preview’)

🚀 Elevate Your Website Experience
The Kognetiks Chatbot for WordPress is more than just a plugin – it’s a transformational tool for your website. With advanced AI technology at its core, it promises a unique and interactive experience for your visitors.

Get your Kognetiks Chatbot for WordPress today and redefine your WordPress site with intelligence and a personal touch.

Note: This plugin requires an API key from OpenAI. Obtain yours at OpenAI API Keys.

Features at a Glance

▪ Quick Setup: Integrate easily with APIs from companies like OpenAI.
▪ Advanced AI Models: Includes support for the latest models like GPT-4 Turbo from OpenAI.
▪ Customizable Interfaces: Choose between floating and embedded chatbot styles.
▪ User-Friendly Settings: Easily manage your API key and other settings.
▪ Intelligent Design: Smart collapsible chatbot for a cleaner website interface.
▪ Engaging User Interaction: Customize greetings and messages for a unique visitor experience.
▪ Persistent Memory: The chatbot remembers interactions, offering continuity across pages.
▪ In-depth Content Analysis: Knowledge Navigator ensures contextually relevant interactions.

It is important to note that this plugin requires an API key from OpenAI to function. You can obtain an API key by signing up at

Chatbot ChatGPT - What is this site about?
Chatbot – What is this site about?

Getting Started

  1. Obtain your API key by signing up at
  2. Install and activate the Kognetiks Chatbot for WordPress plugin.
  3. Navigate to the settings page (Settings > API/Model) and enter your API key.
  4. Customize the chatbot appearance and other parameters as needed.
  5. For a floating chatbot add the shortcode to your theme’s footer: [chatbot_chatgpt#93; or [chatbot_chatgpt style=floating#93;
  6. For an embedded chatbot on any page add the shortcode: [chatbot_chatgpt style=embedded#93;
  7. Use [chatbot_chatgpt style=floating|embedded assistant=primary|alternate#93; to display the chatbot as a floating chatbot or embedded chatbot with a primary or alternate assistant.

Now your website visitors can enjoy a seamless and personalized chat experience an Kognetiks Chatbot for WordPress.

Plugin Support

💬 Looking for plugin support, please visit

📜 For frequently asked questions, please visit

API Key Safety and Security

Your API key serves as the confidential password providing access to your OpenAI account and the resources associated with it. If this key falls into the wrong hands, it can be misused in a variety of detrimental ways, including unauthorized usage, potential data leaks, and the improper application of AI models. It’s crucial, therefore, to implement the following protective measures:

  1. Secure key storage: Ensure your API keys are stored in a safe and secure manner.
  2. Monitor and review usage: Frequently scrutinize and evaluate the usage of your API key. OpenAI provides handy usage data and records that can assist in detecting unusual activity. For insightful usage statistics, visit
  3. Establish usage limits: Initially, implement a low hard limit to ensure that if the limit is reached at any point during the month, any further requests will be denied. You can set up both hard and soft limits at
  4. Regular key rotation: Frequently changing your API keys can reduce the risk of misuse. If you observe any unexpected activity, it’s important to immediately revoke your API keys. As a preventative measure, you might want to regularly revoke them to avert misuse. Manage your API keys at

Remember, wielding AI power requires immense responsibility — it’s incumbent upon us all to ensure its careful and secure use.

Important Note: This plugin requires an API key from OpenAI to function correctly. You can obtain an API key by signing up at


With an Kognetiks Chatbot for WordPress installed, you’re now equipped to offer a more dynamic, engaging, and responsive experience to your website visitors.


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